After a looongg discussion, we finally actualized the plan on going to Sukabumi. No, not doing what they called "Panen Ayam" but to have a relax weekend and do some rafting. It was 4 of us, Me, Shalli, Avi and Gina. Not to forget, Pak Apud who willing to drive us to Sukabumi.
It was a cold saturday morning and i already on the road heading to Shalli's place, our meet up point. Around 7AM we took off to Sukabumi and picked up Gina on the way. Got no chance on having breakfast earlier, so we stop by at a hospital and grab something to eat while Gina doing a check up for her stitches. FYI, Gina got into an accident few weeks back. Done with the stitches thingy and with tummy filled with food, we're actually start the journey, Sukabumi Here We Come!
Then come the night. Time for.... DINNER! *what?* Teh Pur made us a grilled whole-chicken, fried fish (loads of them) with spicy sambal and lalap to complete the dish. At first we all like, "OMG, this many! We won't be able to finish this by our self, it's just too much!", but after 20 to 30 minutes, we barely see the food on the table any longer *whaaddaapp??* The food is so tasty and it will be such a waste not to eat them all *angel face*. This part of Sukabumi is totally freezing, it beat the hell of my room aircon back in Jakarta! Well, maybe that's the main reason we can't stop eating! *excuse*.
When the morning come, me and shalli start the day with a cup noodle, yum! Teh Pur also made us singkong goreng for breakfast, heaven! All of those food made me feel heavy so i decided to go with Gina and Avi to see the chicken barn, located nearby the house. This is my first time to see a real barn! So many chicken, and the smell! OMG the smell is.... not good :))
Actually today we had a plan to go on a rafting trip nearby. Since we're too lazy to move, so we canceled the plan and choose to stay at the house a little bit longer (read : waiting for lunch time) and just enjoy the moment. It felt hard to go back to Jakarta, yet we must get ready and pack our things and hit the road again. Before we go back, Teh Pur prepared us another yummy meal for lunch. It was fried chicken, fried fish with spicy sambal and lalap. This time, we didn't say a word and just ate it until our tummy full (LOL). After the BIG lunch, we hit the road and go back to Jakarta!
That's all? Well, that's not all. On our way back, we stop by at a Bakso "meatball" stall to grab a bowl of bakso. And once we arrived at Jakarta, Pak Apud drove us to Chung Gi Wa, our favorite Korean restaurant and meet our other friend Zaki, who can't join us in this trip because of family occasion. This weekend had been a crazy trip, not because of the "tour" but the food i ate! Oh my, i can't stop thinking, how on earth i can eat that much?? Aside of chewing, we also can't stop laughing. Ah, it was a fun trip indeed, can't wait for another trip with you all! I love you gals <3>3>
Ah, i missed to inform this. Me, Shalli, Avi and Zaki were collage mates, both of Shalli and Avi also used to work at my late office. And the other one, Gina is Shalli's lil sister. This is the first, yet not the last time we go on a trip with Gina. 4 of us has few similarity, one of them is food lover! We all deeply in love with delicious food, it can be seen from our "size"? (LOL)
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